Site Title
Robert Rauschenberg looks at his new new studio, a church he plans to convert into a work space, NYC. 1966
Robert Rauschenberg with Marisol Escobar looks at his new new studio, a church he plans to convert into a work space, NYC. 1966
Robert Rauschenberg with Marisol Escobar looks at his new new studio, a church he plans to convert into a work space, NYC. 1966
Robert Rauschenberg looks at his new new studio, a church he plans to convert into a work space, NYC. 1966
Leo Castelli at James Rosenquist's Broome Street studio. New York City, 1966.
Leo Castelli at James Rosenquist's Broome Street studio. New York City, 1966.
Ivan Karp at the Leo Castelli Gallery, New York City, 1965.-Leo CAstelli Gallery
Ivan Karp at the Leo Castelli Gallery, New York City, 1965.-Leo CAstelli Gallery
Ivan Karp at the Leo Castelli Gallery, New York City, 1965.-Leo CAstelli Gallery
Leo Castelli with James Rosenquist at James' Broome Street studio. New York City, 1966.
Leo Castelli Gallery. New York City, 1965.
Robert Rauschenberg, Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol enjoy a laugh at a party at Rauschenberg's
studio/apartment. NYC 1965.Parties
The artist Marisol Escobar at Robert Rauschenberg's studio under Andy Warhol's Marilyn Monroe. New York City, 1966.
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Roy Lichtenstein converses at a party at Robert Rauschenberg's studio on Broadway in New York City, 1966
Leo Castelli talking with Tom Wolfe in the living-room of his New York City apartment, 1966.
Roy Lichtenstein (center) and Leo Castelli share a laugh with art collector Holly Solomon in Leo Castelli's office, New York City, 1966.
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Andy Warhol and Gino Piserchio at a party. New York City, 1965
Andy Warhol and Gino Piserchio at a party. New York City, 1965
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Leo Castelli. New York City, 1966.
Leo Castelli. New York City, 1966.
Leo Castelli Gallery, New York City, 1965.
Leo Castelli Gallery, New York City, 1965.
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Leo Castelli telephoning in his office at the Leo Castelli Gallery, NYC 1965.-Leo CAstelli Gallery