Army troops guard television crew at memorial service following the assasination of Martin Luther King, Jr. Memphis Tennessee, 1968.
Signature in sidewalk of Mann's Chinese Theater. Hollywood, 1989.
Newsstand, New York City, 1991.
Wall grafitti. 1991.
Wall graffit concerning AIDS. New York, 1990.
Billboard near Topeka, Kansas. 1986.
Predominantly black neighborhood inCairo, Ill. 1979
Pro Vietnam war demonstrator at the largest anti-war demonstration to date starting at the UN and addressed by Martin Luther King Jr. New York City, 1967.
King led anti-Vietnam war protest. NYC, 1967.
King led anti-Vietnam war protest. NYC, 1967.
Jehova's Witness Ryan McCabe stands silently during pledge of allegiance in his public school. The Supreme Court ruled in 1943 that one of the things the American flag stands for is the right not to salute it. New York City, 1991.
Demonstrator outside the Democratic National Convention. New York City, 1976.
World's Fair. Queens, N.Y. 1964
New York City,
Artist Jeff Koons poses with a sculpture, self-portrait at the Sonnabend Gallery, New York City, 1991. The sculpture was recently featured at his one-man show at the Palace of Versailles.
Amen, brother: enthusiastic march participants as King speaks, Washington, D.C. 1963-
“As King made his urgent call to the nation for action, spontaneously chanting his never-to-be-forgotten dream, his plea was answered by a rising crescendo of roars, cheers and thunderous clapping. By the power and urgency of his appeal, the mass and unity of his supporters, you just knew ‘His truth is marching on.’”
New York City, 1992.
Window satire during Watergate hearings. New York City, 1973.
Time runs backward on watch with a cartoon of himself as "Senator NO", worn by Senator Jesse Helms (R-N.C.), who attacked National Endowment for the Arts for sponsoring exhibition by Mapplethorpe and other artists. Lake Gaston, North Carolina, 1983. Helms-Hunt_046 001
Pause in prayer, giving thanks for the meal they are about to receive. Sumter, South Carolina. 1967.
On-the-street baptism, New Orleans, Louisiana 1965
A. Gregory Frazier's suit against Christmas creche on public property was rejected by Supreme Court because the religious symbols were part of a larger, mainly secular display. Pawtucket, Rhode Island,1990.
Holocaust survivor displays yellow Star of David all Jews were required to wear in Nazi Germany.Diamond Merchant. New York City's diamond district. 1980.
Russell Cantwell solicits contributions for Jehova's Witnesses in Brooklyn, 1991. His and his father's convictions for soliciting without liscense in New Haven were overturned by the Supreme Court in 1940.
"Testafying".during Baptist service. Near Eutaw, Alabama. 1983.
Hare Krishna celebrants. New York City, 1968.
Opponemt to right to abortion demonstrates her commitment to Roman Catholic faith before Supreme Court. Washington, 1991.
Snow Angel, New York City, 1970.
Halloween. Brookly, New York, 1966.
Tallahassee, Florida, 1964.
Tallahassee, Florida, 1964.
I. Byrd Parnell. Sheriff of Sumter, S.C.-1967-
I. Byrd Parnell. Sheriff of Sumter, S.C.-1967-
I. Byrd Parnell. Sheriff of Sumter, S.C. training the dogs to follow an escaped prisoner.
Federal DEA agent Jan Larson. 1967.
Federal DEA agent Jan Larson. 1967.
Federal DEA agent Jan Larson. 1967.
Federal DEA agent Jan Larson. 1967.
Mr. James Harvey, his version of an ideal sheriff. Coy, 1970.
The Master Sergeant of the Coy Militia with his friends. Coy, 1970.
"Strawberry" George Cohen, berry wholsaler who's business is all in cash, late at night at the Hunt's Point Market in the Bronx, New York City. 1977.
Druggists with ankle holsters who have a gun permit in NYC because they do business in cash.
Dr. R. Sutter Welfram, caries a gun to protect against people seeking money and drugs. New York City, 1977.
J.J. De Mairo, Pepsi Distributer. New York City, 1977.
Jessica R., obtained her gun in Arizona and never bothered to license it in New York. Ad copywriter. New York City.1977
Palermo family. New York City, 1977.
Internationally renowned author William Burroughs , famed BEAT writer. In his youth he "accidentally" killed his wife while trying to shoot a martini glass off her head in Mexico City. Lawrence, Kansas, 1987.
Internationally renowned author William Burroughs , famed BEAT writer, shooting target practice. In his youth he "accidentally" killed his wife while trying to shoot a martini glass off her head in Mexico City. Lawrence, Kansas, 1987.