Sign ona fence outside the owners house. Tel-Aviv, Israel, 1989.
Common Room, Willowbrook State School. After a 1972 television expose revealed naked and neglected retarted children living amongst filth and disease, civil-liberties lawyers began a ground-breaking suit that led to unprecedented rights for children with disabilities. Staten Island, New York, 1974.
Willowbrook State School for the Mentally Retarded. Staten Island, NY, 1972.
Willowbrook State School. After a 1972 television expose revealed naked and neglected retarted children living amongst filth and disease, civil-liberties lawyers began a ground-breaking suit that led to unprecedented rights for children with disabilities. Staten Island, New York, 1974.
Willowbrook State School. After a 1972 television expose revealed naked and neglected retarted children living amongst filth and disease, civil-liberties lawyers began a ground-breaking suit that led to unprecedented rights for children with disabilities. Staten Island, New York, 1974.
Ex Mental Patients in Halfway House working, sorting buttons. as part of rehabliitation program. Brooklyn, NY, 1972.
Ex Mental Patients in Halfway House working, sorting buttons. as part of rehabliitation program. Brooklyn, NY, 1972.
Ex Mental Patients in Halfway House working, assembling pens,.as part of rehabliitation program. Brooklyn, NY, 1972.
Idiot savant twin brothers. Bronx State Mental Hospital. 1974.
Bronx State Mental Hospital -which had a more supportave approach towards people with emotional and mental problems. 1974.
Bronx State Mental Hospital -which had a more supportave approach towards people with emotional and mental problems. 1974.
Bronx State Mental Hospital -which had a more supportave approach towards people with emotional and mental problems. 1974.
Bronx State Mental Hospital -which had a more supportave approach towards people with emotional and mental problems. 1974.
Bronx State Mental Hospital -which had a more supportave approach towards people with emotional and mental problems. 1974.
Bronx State Mental Hospital -which had a more supportave approach towards people with emotional and mental problems. 1974.
Bronx State Mental Hospital -which had a more supportave approach towards people with emotional and mental problems. 1974.
Ex-mental patient , able to live on his own, aided by medications in an upper west side Manhattan single-room occupancy apartment.
Ex-mental patient , able to live on his own, aided by medications in an upper west side Manhattan single-room occupancy apartment.
Ex-mental patient , able to live on her own, aided by medications in an upper west side Manhattan single-room occupancy apartment.
Ex-mental patient , able to live on her own, aided by medications in an upper west side Manhattan single-room occupancy apartment.
Ex-mental patient , able to live on her own, aided by medications in an upper west side Manhattan single-room occupancy apartment.
Poor peoples march, Washington D.C. 1968.
Demonstrators gather at the Washington Memorial.Poor peoples march, Washington D.C. 1968.
Poor peoples march, Washington D.C. 1968.
The Bedford Stuyvesant ghetto, Brooklyn, New York City. 1963
Eartha Holman, a single mother on welfare, lived with her eight children in a three-room, fifth-floor walk-up, Harlem, New York City. 1966
Angel, Bedford Stuyvesant neighborhood, Brooklyn, New York City. 1962.
Out of work, out of luck, Harlem, New York City. 1968
ÒIn central Harlem at this time, an unemployment rate of one out of every four men was not uncommon. Limited
skills, poor schooling, racism, a downturn in the economy and the employersÕ preference for immigrants over blacks were some of the reasons these men were out of work. Often they squatted in abandoned buildings
and scavenged for survival. Neighbors might give them errands and little jobs to do in exchange for a meal.
Grinding poverty forced many men like these into despair, substance abuse, crime, apathy and rage.Ó
The Bedford Stuyvesant ghetto, Brooklyn, New York City. 1963
As difficult as the Bed Stuy street might look, it was
teeming with life. Twenty years later, I went back and
the neighborhood had fallen apart. All the buildings were
boarded up and deserted.
Photographs of the living conditions of poor people on the lower East Side, in Harlem;
photographs of abandoned buildings and abandoned neighborhoods.
Photographs of the living conditions of poor people on the lower East Side, in Harlem;
photographs of abandoned buildings and abandoned neighborhoods.
Photographs of the living conditions of poor people on the lower East Side, in Harlem;
photographs of abandoned buildings and abandoned neighborhoods.
Photographs of the living conditions of poor people on the lower East Side, in Harlem;
photographs of abandoned buildings and abandoned neighborhoods.
Photographs of the living conditions of poor people on the lower East Side, in Harlem;
photographs of abandoned buildings and abandoned neighborhoods.
Photographs of the living conditions of poor people on the lower East Side, in Harlem;
photographs of abandoned buildings and abandoned neighborhoods.
Photographs of the living conditions of poor people on the lower East Side, in Harlem;
photographs of abandoned buildings and abandoned neighborhoods.
Photographs of the living conditions of poor people on the lower East Side, in Harlem;
photographs of abandoned buildings and abandoned neighborhoods.
Photographs of the living conditions of poor people on the lower East Side, in Harlem;
photographs of abandoned buildings and abandoned neighborhoods.
View from Charlotte street, South Bronx.1981.
Photographs of the living conditions of poor people on the lower East Side, in Harlem;
photographs of abandoned buildings and abandoned neighborhoods.
Dallas, Texas. 1965.
Dallas, Texas. 1965.
West Virginia, 1965.
Sioux Indian, 1967.
Photographs for the Office of Economic Opportunity of poor Indians in the Pima tribe,
White River Apaches, Indians in wickiups, also Sioux Indians and Peace Corps volunteers.Indian_Reservation_132 001
Photographs for the Office of Economic Opportunity of poor Indians in the Pima tribe,
White River Apaches, Indians in wickiups, also Sioux Indians and Peace Corps volunteers.Indian_Reservation_092 001
Photographs for the Office of Economic Opportunity of poor Indians in the Pima tribe,
White River Apaches, Indians in wickiups, also Sioux Indians and Peace Corps volunteers.Indian_Reservation_097 001
Photographs for the Office of Economic Opportunity of poor Indians in the Pima tribe,
White River Apaches, Indians in wickiups, also Sioux Indians and Peace Corps volunteers.Indian_Reservation_113 001